Toksöz Group started its investments in biopharmaceutical manufacturing in 2007. Arven Pharmaceutical works with highly experienced scientists holding BS, MS or PHD degrees in biosimilar product development. Arven constantly improves its biosimilar product development infrastructure and manufacturing capacity. It, thus, serves for public health. Continuing its activities within Toksöz Group, Arven Pharmaceutical opened a manufacturing facility in Kırklareli Organized Industrial Site in 2017. The factory, which has an indoor space of 28.000 square meters, manufactures high technology products.

Situated in Selimpaşa, Arven R&D started to operate as a R&D centre in 2017. Arven- R&D Centre works with the scientists and technical experts studied in our country. This centre carries out research and development activities for inhaler (respiration) drugs as well as biotechnological and biosimilar drugs. The inhaler project team mainly works on formulation development and analytical characterization. The biotechnology team, however, carries out research and development activities in two fields: one is microbial production, and the other is complex drugs produced out of mammal cell culture.

Biological medicines are aimed for diseases like cancer and auto-immune diseases which cannot be treated with conventional medicines. Biological medicines are very expensive, and they create a huge economic burden both on patients and healthcare systems. Therefore, it is very important to manufacture biosimilar medicines, which can offer an alternative treatment, in our country. It is our company’s primary objective to produce biosimilar medicines with the quality required by the scientific authorities and offer them for public use. We think it is a considerable gain for our country to employ young people who graduate from the relevant departments (molecular biology and genetics, biology, bioengineering, etc.) so that they can work for public health.
In our biosimilar development processes, we follow the guides published by World Health Organization, European Medicines Agency and US Food and Drug Administration. These guides, taken as a golden reference in international platforms, show the development processes that biosimilar products must complete. Arven Pharmaceutical thinks that “the product is the process”; therefore, it attaches great importance to the quality of the processes. Arven Pharmaceutical conducts a majority of the structural and functional analyses recommended in international guides with its existing infrastructure and specialists. The most critical aspect of the production methods is to bring the product to a commercial level without compromising its quality. Arven Pharmaceutical accepts this as an important duty for public health.
Arven Pharmaceutical was established with 100% Turkish capital. After a long-term R&D study, Arven developed Arvohaler®, the first dry-powder inhaler to hold a Turkish patent. Arven is, thus, very proud to have reached a great achievement for our country and Turkish pharmaceutical industry.
In addition to this, as a consequence of its investments in biotechnology, Arven Pharmaceutical had the first licenced biosimilar product developed and produced by Turkish national pharmaceutical industry.
Arven’s motto is “We design the technology of the feature today, and we give human health a future”. In the forthcoming years, with its manufacturing facility in Kırklareli, Arven is planning to carry on its activities to produce biotechnological medicines, oncology medicines and hormone medicines as well as respiratory products.